Middle Earth Adventures Palantir Quest (ICEI800 1994) New Unread

Middle Earth Adventures Palantir Quest (ICEI800 1994) New Unread
Middle Earth Adventures Palantir Quest (ICEI800 1994) New Unread
Middle Earth Adventures Palantir Quest (ICEI800 1994) New Unread
Middle Earth Adventures Palantir Quest (ICEI800 1994) New Unread
Middle Earth Adventures Palantir Quest (ICEI800 1994) New Unread

Middle Earth Adventures Palantir Quest (ICEI800 1994) New Unread

This fourth age adventure for the Middle Earth roleplaying game was published by Ice Crown Enterprises. It is unread and is in very good condition except for a bent corner on the back cover (see photos).

This item has been stored in our shop inventory since received from the distributor.

Middle Earth Adventures Palantir Quest (ICEI800 1994) New Unread